Keep Your Kids and Family Lice Free This School Year

This post is sponsored by Lice Free Noggins. Contact them at (571) 380-8898 to inquire about the useful service they offer to area families.

Head lice cases are on the rise in Arlington, VA and Washington DC Metropolitan Area. Parents are reporting their kids having lice two or more times per year compared to never getting lice in previous years. Over half of all 11-14 year olds get them each year. Younger and older siblings, parents, grandparents, teachers and carers also get them.

Head lice are highly contagious. Head lice infestations happen with direct head-to-head contact. It is extremely rare to get head lice any other way.  Traditional over-the-counter treatments contain pesticides that are no longer effective. Unfortunately, lice have evolved into “super lice”, developing widespread resistance to over the counter treatments. 

What to do if your kids are sent home with lice?

Anyone can get head lice. If your child gets lice, it has nothing to do with bad hygiene. Having clean hair or dirty hair doesn’t influence if you get lice. Once one person in a household gets lice, there is a significant chance that someone else will become infested.

  1. Inspect your child’s head at home, especially if your child has an itchy scalp. Look for nits (eggs), nymphs and adult lice.
  2. Call the parents of your child’s friends and have them check for head lice, remembering that earlier intervention can help to reduce the infestation level.
  3. If you are unsure whether what you have is head lice, use this online free lice diagnosis tool to help you identify what you are seeing.
Lice Free Noggins Arlington Natural Lice Removal and Lice Treatment Service

When should you call in the professionals?

Some turn to home remedies for head lice, such as tea tree oil, mayonnaise, oil, vinegar, saline spray and even gasoline. These treatments can potentially be harmful and relying on pesticides promotes repeated use and contributes to ongoing infestations, outbreaks and resistant strains of head lice. If you tried an over the counter head lice treatment that didn’t work and you are certain that your child didn’t get reinfested, seek professional help. A lice professional should be called when the idea of treating head lice is just too overwhelming or when you have tried it all and the lice persist. 

Why an at home lice treatment service in Arlington and Washington DC Metropolitan Area?

Anyone who lives in a busy metro area with small children can appreciate the benefits of an in-home service. Remember when doctors used to make house calls? The privacy, the care, the convenience! Services like Lice Free Noggins come to your home so  you can maintain absolute privacy (no worries about being spotted by a neighbor or child’s friend as you go into a lice salon or clinic and no worries about a lice-free sibling contracting a case of lice from the salon or clinic, which happens.). An at-home lice treatment service also allows you maximum flexibility and convenience, as when one child is finished being checked, he/she can return to her at-home activities, no need to wait for siblings and others to be treated.

Lice Free Noggins charges an affordable flat rate for lice treatment in Arlington, VA and Washington, DC Metro area. Prices are based on the length of your hair and not by the hour. There are no amped-up travel, holiday, evening or weekend fees.  So the cost of treatment for the entire family is significantly lower than hourly charges of salons and other services.

Treating lice promptly and checking all household members is key to successful eradication.

Lice Free Noggins Arlington Natural Lice Removal and Lice Treatment Service